Python Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction
| |Book Name: Python Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction
Author: H. Bhasin
Publisher: Mercury
ISBN-: 9781683923534
Year: 2019
Pages: 566
Language: English
File size: 12 Mb
File format: PDF
Python Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction Pdf Book Description:
Art is a manifestation of human creativity, so the program is art. Therefore, the choice of programming language is important. This book includes Python and will make you a better artist. Professor Aur. Python needs to know. Learning Python facilitates complex tasks and eliminates the traditional style of programming. It is the language in which you program and solve problems. Python is a practical, formal and objective language developed by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s. The language is named after the comedy group Monti Python. Now this language is used in various fields. These include software development, web development, desktop GUI development, educational and research applications. Thus, it covers almost all aspects of growth. Its popularity is mainly due to its simplicity and power, but the next chapter will explain much more. There are many modules that perform the above functions. Janko, for example, was built on the Python. Python is a well-known web structure for clean and fast development. It also supports HTML, email, FTP, etc. Make good choices for web development. There is also an independent library for software development. Zion is one of the most common examples used to create experiments. Combined with internal features and Python support is the key to success.
Python is easy to learn and understand. In fact, anyone with experience in programming will find that they are good and small. Removing twisted belts and staples will make the code shorter and smoother. Also, some Python features are very simple. For example, changing a number in Python is as simple as dialing (a, b) = (b, a).This publication was created for use as a main introduction to Python and may be utilized as an introductory text or as a source for professionals in business. The book was split into four segments. The first segment addresses the language principles, chiefly the procedural area of the language, the second presents the object-oriented paradigms, the next section deals with information structures, and the final is dedicated to complex topics like tackling multi-dimensional arrays with NumPy and visualization utilizing Matplotlib. Frequent expressions and multi-threading are released at the appendices.
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