Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features
| |Book Name: Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features
Author: Dan Bader
Publisher: Dan Bader
ISBN-10, 13: 9781775093305,1775093301
Year: 2017
Pages: 9781775093305,1775093301
Language: English
File size: 5 MB
File format: PDF,EPUB
Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features Pdf Book Description:
This is another python book that you can download for free. Python Tricks started out as a short series of code screenshots that I shared on Twitter for a week. To my surprise, they got rave responses and were shared and retweeted for days on end. More and more developers started asking me for a way to “get the whole series.” Actually, I only had a few of these tricks lined up, spanning a variety of Python-related topics. There wasn’t a master plan behind them. They were just a fun little Twitter experiment. But from these inquiries I got the sense that my short-and-sweet code examples would be worth exploring as a teaching tool. Eventually I set out to create a few more Python Tricks and shared them in an email series. Within a few days, several hundred Python developers had signed up and I was just blown away by that response. Over the following days and weeks, a steady stream of Python developers reached out to me. They thanked me for making a part of the language they were struggling to understand click for them. Hearing this feedback felt awesome. I thought these Python Tricks were just code screenshots, but so many developers were getting a lot of value out of them.
Python Tricks is not a step-by-step Python tutorial. It is not an entry-level Python course. If you’re in the beginning stages of learning Python, the book alone won’t transform you into a professional Python developer. Reading it will still be beneficial to you, but you need to make sure you’re working with some other resources to build up your foundational Python skills. You’ll get the most out of this book if you already have some knowledge of Python, and you want to get to the next level. It will work great for you if you’ve been coding Python for a while and you’re ready to go deeper, to round out your knowledge, and to make your code more Pythonic. Reading Python Tricks will also be great for you if you already have experience with other programming languages and you’re looking to get up to speed with Python. You’ll discover a ton of practical tips and design patterns that’ll make you a more effective and skilled Python coder.
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