Gordis Epidemiology 6th Edition
| |Book Name: Gordis Epidemiology 6th Edition
Author: David D. Celentano, Moyses Szklo
Publisher: Elsevier, Inc.
ISBN-10, 13: 9780323552295,0323552293
Year: 2018
Pages: 443 pages
Language: English
File size: 25 MB
File format: PDF,EPUB
Gordis Epidemiology 6th Edition Pdf Book Description:
If you want to learn about Epidemiology you have to read this book. this book is one of the best seller of Epidemiology book that available in the market and because of that we give it to you for free download. this book will give you the basic information principal of Epidemiology in details that you will not find in another books and many student has admit it. Epidemiology is the study of how disease is distributed in populations and the factors that influence or determine this distribution. Why does a disease develop in some people and not in others? The premise underlying epidemiology is that disease, illness, ill health, and excellent health status are not randomly distributed in human populations. Rather, each of us has certain characteristics that predispose us to, or protect us against, a variety of different diseases. These characteristics may be primarily genetic in origin, the result of exposure to certain environmental hazards, or the behaviors (good and bad) that we engage in. Perhaps most often, we are dealing with an interaction of genetic, environmental, and behavioral and social factors in the development of disease. A broader definition of epidemiology than that given previously has been widely accepted. It defines epidemiology as “the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations and the application of this study to control of health problems.” What is noteworthy about this definition is that it includes both a description of the content of the discipline and why epidemiologic investigations are carried out.
What are the specific objectives of epidemiology? First, to identify the etiology, or cause, of a disease and its relevant risk factors (i.e., factors that increase a person’s risk for a disease). We want to know how the disease is transmitted from one person to another or from a nonhuman reservoir to a human population or why it arises due to risk behaviors the person engages in. Our ultimate aim is to intervene to reduce morbidity and mortality from the disease. We want to develop a rational basis for prevention programs. If we can identify the etiologic or causal factors for disease and reduce or eliminate exposure to those factors, we can develop a basis for prevention programs. In addition, we can develop appropriate vaccines and treatments, which can prevent the transmission of the disease to others. The second objective of epidemiology is to determine the extent of disease found in the community. What is the burden of disease in the community? This question is critical for planning health services and facilities and for estimating how many future health care providers should be trained. A third objective is to study the natural history and prognosis of disease. Clearly, certain diseases are more severe than others; some may be rapidly lethal, whereas others may have extended durations of survival.
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