SQL QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’s Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL Illustrated Edition
| |Book Name: SQL QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’s Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL Illustrated Edition
Author: Walter Shields [Shields, Walter]
Publisher: ClydeBank Media LLC
ISBN-10, 13: 978-1945051753,1945051752
Year: 2019
Pages: 251 pages
Language: English
File size: 15 MB
File format: PDF,EPUB
SQL QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’s Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL Illustrated Edition Pdf Book Description:
With each passing day—really with each passing second—greater and greater quantities of data are collected. In the time it takes you to finish this sentence, over 500,000 Google search queries will be submitted. In a single minute, over 300 hours of video content will be uploaded to YouTube. 2 Our capacity to store data continues to grow. Meanwhile, smartphones and social media have turned everyday individuals across the globe into a rapidly (exponentially) growing army of data generators, constantly creating new records that reveal our current interests, activities, thoughts, and feelings. Businesses and government agencies of all kinds are accepting the reality that maximum efficiency and maximum profitability cannot be achieved without harnessing the power of data. While the volume of data being generated is astounding in its own right, what is truly mind-boggling is that we have only just begun to make use of it all. Only half of a percent of all data collected is ever analyzed. If individuals, businesses, governments, and other organizations were able to make better use of collected data, then the potential upside would be limitless. Prots and exigency could be increased, marketers could gain more powerful insight into target audiences, and more fraud and crime could be prevented—and that is just the beginning. e shortfall in data analysis contributes to an incredible demand for skilled data-handling professionals. is is where you come in.
You are presumably reading this book because you want to learn SQL (structured query language). You have been perceptive enough to notice the ever-expanding role of data in the world, and you are putting yourself in a position to make the most of it—a very wise decision. Some of you may be studying SQL in a classroom environment, at either the high school or college level. Or perhaps you are a business or government professional looking to develop the skills necessary to carry you forward in your career. Whatever the case may be, this book’s straightforward approach to SQL will prove an invaluable resource. SQL (properly pronounced “ess-cue-ell,” though “sequel” is commonly heard) is the translation tool that allows everyday individuals, even those without coding experience, to communicate with a database and turn big data into information they can use to make decisions that affect their business for the better. I have been working with SQL and other forms of big data management for eighteen years, but I can still remember what it was like to be a beginner. It took me a while to warm up to data management. When I rest learned how to use Microsoft Access, data management was just another node in the IT field, without the hype that surrounds it in the present day. e quantity of data generated was relatively minuscule in light of today’s information overload. Today, every search query made on Google, every post shared on Facebook, and every ve-star review in every product category on Amazon is ultimately stored on a server somewhere and is subject to being queried. SQL is the principal analytical tool used to decipher big data, hence the extraordinary demand for individuals trained in the language. e language of data is a language that every modern tech-oriented company speaks to some degree. is book will get you fluent in the language of data.
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