Bayesian Programming
| |Book Name: Bayesian Programming
Author: Emmanuel Mazer, Juan Manuel Ahuactzin, Kamel Mekhnacha, Pierre Bessiere
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN-10: 1439880328
Year: 2014
Pages: 380
Language: English
File size: 7.01 MB
File format: PDF
Bayesian Programming Pdf Book Description:
While logic is that the mathematical base of logical reasoning and the basic principle of calculating, it’s limited to issues where data is both certain and complete. But lots of real-world troubles, from monetary investments to electronic mail filtering, are faulty or uncertain in character. Probability theory and Bayesian computing collectively give an alternative framework to handle incomplete and uncertain data.Emphasizing probability instead to Boolean logic, Bayesian Programming covers new techniques to construct probabilistic applications for real-world software. Composed by the team that designed and executed an efficient probabilistic inference engine to translate Bayesian apps, the book provides many Python examples which are also on a supplementary site together using an interpreter which enables visitors to experiment with this fresh method of programming.Simply requiring a basic foundation in math, the first two portions of the book present a new methodology for constructing abstract probabilistic models. Numerous straightforward examples underline the use of Bayesian modeling in various fields.
The next element synthesizes present work on Bayesian inference algorithms because a efficient Bayesian inference motor is required to automate the probabilistic calculus in Bayesian applications. Most bibliographic references are included for readers who’d like additional information about the formalism of Bayesian programming, the major probabilistic versions, general purpose algorithms for Bayesian inference, and learning issues.The writers compare Bayesian programming and potential theories, talk about the computational complexity of Bayesian inference, pay for the irreducibility of incompleteness, and tackle the subjectivist versus objectivist epistemology of chance.A brand new modeling methodology, brand new inference algorithms, new programming languages, and new hardware are needed to make an entire Bayesian computing frame. Focusing on the algorithms and methodology, this publication describes the initial steps toward attaining this objective. It motivates visitors to explore emerging regions, for example bio-inspired computing, and create new programming formats and hardware architectures.
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