Cross-Cultural Computing
| |Book Name: Cross-Cultural Computing
Author: Naoko Tosa
Publisher: Springer-Verlag London
ISBN-10: 144716511X
Year: 2016
Pages: 134
Language: English
File size: 3.78 MB
File format: PDF
Cross-Cultural Computing Pdf Book Description:
This exciting new publication investigates the connection between cultural conventions and computers, considering how people from quite different cultures and backgrounds communicate and how the utilization of information technology can support and increase those dialogues.
Historically we developed our comprehension of different cultures through conventional methods (museums, published literature, etc.) however, the arrival of information technology has enabled us access to a myriad of stuff. Tosa asks the question”Could we know different cultures utilizing computers as media to supplement thinking and memorization?” Beginning with a survey of technology and art, moving to the field of science and culture, the book culminates with a vision of a new world based in an understanding of those relationships, permitting cultural creators and audiences the chance to achieve a better and deeper comprehension of the role information technology will perform going forward.
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