Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 5th Edition
| |Pdf Book Name: Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 5th Edition
Author: John J. Uicker, Jr., Gordon R. Pennock, Joseph E. Shigley
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN-10, 13: 0190264489,9780190264482
Year: 2017
Pages: 977 Pages
Language: English
File size: 62 MB
File format: PDF,EPUB
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 5th Edition Pdf Book Description:
The theory of machines and mechanisms is an applied science that is used to understand the relationships between the geometry and motions of the parts of a machine, or mechanism, and the forces that produce these motions. The subject, and therefore this book, divides itself naturally into three parts. Part 1, which includes Chaps. 1 through 5, is concerned with mechanisms and the kinematics of mechanisms, which is the analysis of their motions. Part 1 lays the groundwork for Part 2, comprising Chaps. 6 through 10, in which we study methods of designing mechanisms. Finally, in Part 3, which includes Chaps. 11 through 16, we take up the study of kinetics, the time-varying forces in machines and the resulting dynamic phenomena that must be considered in their design. The design of a modern machine is often very complex. In the design of a new engine, for example, the automotive engineer must deal with many interrelated questions. What is the relationship between the motion of the piston and the motion of the crankshaft? What are the sliding velocities and the loads at the lubricated surfaces, and what lubricants are available for this purpose? How much heat is generated, and how is the engine cooled? What are the synchronization and control requirements, and how are they satisfied? What is the cost to the consumer, both for initial purchase and for continued operation and maintenance? What materials and manufacturing methods are used? What are the fuel economy, noise, and exhaust emissions; do they meet legal requirements? Although all these and many other important questions must be answered before the design is completed, obviously not all can be addressed in a book of this size. Just as people with diverse skills must be brought together to produce an adequate design, so too must many branches of science be brought together.
This book assembles material that falls into the science of mechanics as it relates to the design of mechanisms and machines. There are two completely different aspects of the study of mechanical systems: design and analysis. The concept embodied in the word “design” is more properly termed synthesis, the process of contriving a scheme or a method of accomplishing a given purpose. Design is the process of prescribing the sizes, shapes, material compositions, and arrangements of parts so that the resulting machine will perform the prescribed task. Although there are many phases in the design process that can be approached in a well ordered, scientific manner, the overall process is by its very nature as much an art as a science. It calls for imagination, intuition, creativity, judgment, and experience. The role of science in the design process is merely to provide tools to be used by designers as they practice their art. In the process of evaluating the various interacting alternatives, designers find a need for a large collection of mathematical and scientific tools. These tools, when applied properly, provide more accurate and more reliable information for judging a design than one achieves through intuition or estimation. Thus, the tools are of tremendous help in deciding among alternatives. However, scientific tools cannot make decisions for designers; designers have every right to exert their imagination and creative abilities, even to the extent of overruling the mathematical recommendations
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